Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Results Are In

The results for our mass time survey are in you get them here first.
Saturday 5:00pm. Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am.
Here are the vote totals:
Saturday 4:00pm - 58
Saturday 4:30pm - 72
Saturday 5:00pm - 280
Saturday 5:30pm - 102

Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am - 320
Sunday 9:30am and 11:30am - 198

Thank you for taking part in the survey. Mass times will not change until late spring or early summer. We will give you plenty of notice before changing the Sunday mass times.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

It is truly heartbreaking to watch the news reports of the tragic earthquake in Haiti. It is so sad to see a nation that has so little suffer so much.

On the weekend of January 23/24 we will take up a special collection for Haiti. If you wish to make a contribution before then you can make out a check to Catholic Relief Services and send it to the parish office 8300 Old Columbia Rd. Fulton, MD 20759.

I ask you to pray for all those suffering in Haiti, especially the dead. Among those killed in the earthquake was Archbishop Joseph Serge Milot, the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince. Please remember him in your prayers.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You Choose

In preparation for our new Faith Formation Center we are conducting 2 surveys that we would like you to participate in.

The first survey (this is for Religious Ed families) has to do with the scheduling of our Religious Education classes for the Fall of 2010. You should have received an email explaining the survey and asking for your response. I ask each of you to respond to this very important survey so that we can schedule classes at times that are the most convenient to the largest number of families. If you did not recieve this survey in your email please contact Joanna or Becki .

The second survey is for every parishioner because it deals with our weekend mass schedule. We want to schedule our weekend liturgies at convenient times for you and at times that will help to alleviate some of the traffic congestion that we face every Sunday morning. You will have an opportunity to vote on the mass schedule this weekend January 9 & 10 and on the weekend of January 16 & 17. If you would like to register your vote early please check your choices on the survey in the left hand column.
The new mass schedule will not take effect until late spring or early summer and we will give you plenty of notice before the change takes place. I hope to hear from you.

The building construction continues to move forward in spite of rain, snow and extreme cold. Construction is a little behind schedule but at this point not enough to delay our move in date which is planned for late Spring.