Friday, September 24, 2010

Feast of St. Francis

I hope you will join us for mass on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on Monday October 4th at 9:00am. Mass is held in our Holy Family Chapel.

Blessing of Animals

Sunday October 3rd will be a busy day here at the parish. After the dedication we will have the Blessing of Animals at 2pm on the church parking lot. This traditional blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi will be given by Fr. Joachim OFM Conv. Bring your pets and ask God's blessings upon them. Just a reminder that all pets must be on a leash or in a carrier unless of course you are bringing a horse, elephant or other large animal then you are on your own.

You are Invited

Everyone is invited to join Archbishop O'Brien on Sunday October 3rd for the dedication of our new Faith Formation Center and the Blessing and Installation of our new Pastoral Council members. The Archbishop will preside at the 11am mass and the dedication will take place immediatly following the mass a reception will follow the dedication. I hope you will join us. We are pleased and honored that in addition to the Archbishop we will be joined by our Vicar Bishop Mitchell Rozanski.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

See You In September!

For those of you my age (No I am not going to tell you my age and since I don't do Facebook you will just have to guess.) you probably remember the song that started " See you in September, see you when the summer is through". Well believe it or not summer is winding down and we are facing another busy and exciting year here at St. Francis.

The biggest news out of here is the completion of our new 11,000 sq. ft. Faith Formation Center. We took possession of the building in mid June and just a week later used it for our summer Vacation Bible School and Summer Music Program. We use our new Holy Family Chapel for daily mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9am. In just a few weeks our Religious Education classes will begin for the new year and then the FFC will really be put to the test. If you haven't wandered into see the FFC I encourage you to do so. You are also invited to join us for the dedication mass on Sunday October 3 at 11 am to be celebrated by Archbishop O'Brien.
On the weekend of October 2 & 3 in addition to the dedication mass we will hold an open house and Ministry Fair after all the masses. The Ministry Fair is an opportunity for us to highlight and showcase the many different ministries in the parish and how they effect the lives of so many here in the parish and beyond. It is also an opportunity for you to decide how you would like to volunteer your time in the parish.
This Saturday September 4th our Director of Religious Education Joanna Rapisarda will be getting married to Edward Herrera. We wish them well and pray for God's blessing on their marriage.
I promise to do better this year on updating this blog so check back often for the latest.